Saturday, March 07, 2020

Kidney Saga part 41

I started the triple-dose of the main medicine yesterday, and today I'm feeling it. I feel flattened. I had a lot of trouble waking up this morning, and genuinely had difficulty just eating.

It's going to be tough.

Family visited yesterday, but were kind enough to keep at a distance and only visit one at a time. I have so little energy I want to curl up and sleep, but I'm not actually tired, I just can't do things physically. I fear my biggest danger might actually end up being boredom.

Dr. Inkwell continues to monitor me, often from on top of my ankles while I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to teach him that a cat sleeping next to a human can be as useful as one sleeping on a human, but he's got his concerns, and sleeping on his human is one of them.

I was relieved to hear that Emerald City Comicon postponed the convention. My historian-side kept thinking about the 1918 parade that really boosted the pandemic flu, and just felt so much better when the organizers finally announced the delay yesterday. Now if the pandemic fizzles, they can have the convention in the summer and if the pandemic grows, appropriate measures can be taken later. But at least ECCC won't be the cause of kicking off hundreds or thousands of potential deaths.

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