Sunday, March 29, 2020

Kidney Saga part 54

Saturday was the day I expected Friday to be: nice and quiet. I relaxed, wrote a bit, read webcomics, played a very little bit of my video game, chatted with my sister in the Seattle area and gave Inkwell lots of scritches.

I also tried to look for the good, and posted some of that on my Facebook page. There was an encouraging report about how Washington's efforts to stop the virus may have flattened the curve enough that we won't be seeing the ventilator and ICU bed shortages other areas are facing, but the data on the rest of the nation is sobering.

I also played around on Zoom and downloaded a couple of virtual backgrounds in case I end up in a video conference. I'm not planning on it, mind you, because the "moon face" the prednisone gives me is driving me straight up the wall and annoys me to no extent. I look like one of those hideous Campbell's Soup Kids. But if I'm invited, I might show up.

Just for kicks, I looked up my weight on my Jan 2nd doctor appointment - when I first started to get serious medical help for this issue - and compared it to my weigh-in this morning. Since Jan 2nd I have lost 73 pounds. My skin is loose and there are wrinkles caused by the shrinkage. It feels really odd. Again, I do NOT recommend it. Most of it was water-weight, but I think my current severely restricted diet is also helping continue the drop.

Speaking of diet, Eric made me Mac & Cheese from the DaVita recipe site last night. We had to replace the garlic, since that's on my restricted list due to medications. The cream cheese definitely altered the taste. This was no Kraft Dinner. But it was good. I want to add broccoli and chicken to it, and a tiny bit of real cheddar, and I think it would be a crazy awesome meal.

Eric also went shopping yesterday, and brought back a small variety of different snacks. We're going to be trying a lot of different combinations to try to keep me fed and healthy. But it's a challenge with all the items I cannot eat, and particularly how I cannot eat much that's canned/boxed. It makes it hard to plan ahead.

I also confirmed that I can eat my favorite Girl Scout Cookie (Tagalongs) - but only one a day or so. It doesn't really matter, since I can't lay hands on them, but it's nice to know.

My current anxiety monster is the state of the internet. I'm worried about connectivity and if the infrastructure will hold throughout this event. I admit, the folks who are out there working are awe-inspiring in ways they will never know, even though most of them are just doing it because they must. I wish I could help them. I wish there was more I could do.

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