Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Lunkdimp

I'm doing a little guest-blogging at Elayne Riggs' Blog, while she's dealing with grief and being with friends. Do check out my pathetic efforts to live up to her Estrogen Month posts.

Comics Fairplay will be at Emerald City Comicon. So will I, but I won't have a booth. However, if you want to find me, you'll probably have the best luck by checking in with the great folks at Illusive Arts (BUY TONY LOCO!).

TangognaT has the Manga Giveaway Results.

Augie directs us to an article about a car powered by compressed air. I want.

DMCA is a failure! says the guy who created the thing. Along the same lines: "RIAA Updates Mission Statement".

Running out of combinations, Washington State license plates to get longer by a character.