Sunday, November 03, 2002

Don't Get Your Feathers Ruffled

I stayed on a the Chicken Mailing List a bit longer to monitor it, in case notes from Eric's list suddenly started showing up again. In addition to a couple of nice notes from people on the list thanking me for fixing the problem, I got a couple of "silver lining" notes. One person, in particular, accidentally posted his note to the list instead of mailing it to me.

It seems that prior to the mess with Eric's list, there had been some unwanted excitement on the list because of two groups of very different chicken breeders. The mess with Eric's list seems to have driven both groups away, at least for a time. The groups in question? Well, one was animal rights activists... the other was cock fighters.

At first I was just amazed. How could two groups of people with such completely different philosophies end up on one mailing list? But it made perfect sense for both groups to be one a breeding list, I guess... and it's not like it's that different from many of the lists I belong to. There always seems to be more than one prevailing opinion on a list, and it often seems to people who believe in one opinion to not understand why the other opinion can even consider themselves in the same league.

Speaking of Animals

I had the most terribly strong urge to get a cat yesterday. I had just read an article about cats in animal shelters, and I started thinking about all the advantages to having a pet around the house. I also grew up with animals always around, so it wouldn't be a new experience for me.

But there are a few reasons Eric and I haven't gotten a pet, and most of them are still in force. The big reason is expense, but there is also the time factor in properly caring for (and cleaning up after) a pet. With both of us working, we wouldn't even imagine getting a dog, but a cat seems more likely.

But then, cats tend to own you, not the other way around. There would be a few changes in how we live if we got a cat. And the cat would rule the roost. That's how cats tend to be.

I'm not convincing myself, but I'm pretty sure Eric would seriously object to an animal in our lives at this point, so I don't see it happening. But I'm sure the urge won't go away soon. well, unless I imagine the beasty eating up/chewing up my LEGO, then it's easier to say "maybe not yet"

Seattle Sports Report

I just turned off the Seahawks game. Not because they were losing (although they were) but because they just didn't seem to be playing. I used to attend High School Football games because I was in the band. I used to watch Huskies Football all the time and enjoy it. And, even back in the day, I would watch the Seahawks and like it. But this year it's really hard for me to get "into" any Football game. I just haven't seen anything that interests me. The players seem to be going through the motions. I know it's illusion, that if I talked with those players they would tell me truthfully that they are playing hard, but it's just not working for me this year.