Friday, November 01, 2002

Random Comic Book Stuff

A couple of years ago in San Diego, I went to the big comic book con with a very little sketchbook. Starting with Ramona Fradon and ending with Neal Adams, I got artists to fill 42 pages of the book, all the way to the end (I had 22 pages from other cons) with mostly sketches of Aquaman.

One of my favorite sketches in the book is a fantastic rendition of Aquaman in silhouette, seen from below, swimming with a shark. The sketch was done by Jeff Parker, whose name stayed in my mind because of the quality and originality of the sketch.

Well, the name recently came up in a thread on Seems he's doing a book called The Interman.

Because of the fantastic sketch, I felt obliged to at least read the 8-page preview on Parker's website. After reading the preview, I decided that I wanted to try the book. Luckily, my hubby agreed and we're going to add it to our November order.

After seeing the preview, I kind of wonder what Jeff could do with Aquaman (or better yet, Tempest)...

In other comic book news, there is a nice preview of the Aquaman origin from JLA: Secret Origins coming out on November 13th. I find it interesting that it's the Silver Age origin, but at the same time, I'm pleased. I like the Silver Age origin, despite also being a fan of the current version. This will be an interesting book... I really wonder what the captions on this art will say.

I think that Alex Ross' Aquaman tends to hold his chin too high, but the art is so interesting that I'll forgive that little nit.

Wow, I've got a wait ahead of me for new Aquaman stuff, actually. The next issue of JLA isn't due out for 19 days (but at least the preview Aquaman story by Rick Veitch will come out that same week), I've already seen next week's Aquaman preview, and now I've seen a small version of the artwork from the Secret Origins.

The week of November 20th is scheduled for a triple-whammy, at least. JLA #75, the final bit of Obsidian Age, is due out, and should feature plenty of Aqua-action. JLA/JSA Secret Files #1 is due out, with the preview story of the Aquaman series by Cerdian (as told to Rick Veitch). And the Classic Aquaman Statue is also due out that week.

Two meager weeks later, the animated version of Aquaman will be guesting in Justice League Adventures.

Then a week after that... Aquaman #1!

These are good times to be an Aquaman fan. There's been news also weekly for months, and there is so much stuff coming out it's hard to believe it all. With my website doing a decent job covering the current stuff and John Schwirian's Aquaman Chronicles filling the gaps I leave, the fan side is very busy too. What a great time to be a fan!