Saturday, December 14, 2002

Amelia Still Rules!

Wish I could afford to bid on stuff, but since I can't, here's another note from Jimmy Gownley. Remember, look on eBay under the seller TannerRocks.

Hi guys,

The second batch of original art is up on Ebay for the Amelia Rules! Charity auction.

So far, the auction is going great, and I was in such a good mood when I posted these pages, that I set the minimum bid at just $10 for 8 of the nine new items. The final item is something special (My personal favorite Amelia piece), so lets see if we can get it a good home.

If anyone is interested in something that they don't see being auctioned, just post here and we'll see what we can do (Within reason).

Remember it's all for the Leukemia Society, so go ahead and splurge.

Jimmy Gownley

And Amelia Rules #8 just came out and was VERY fun. Remember folks, the first three letters in funeral spell out "fun"! Check it out at the nearest good comic shop, or through the Amelia Rules website.