Thursday, December 19, 2002

Dog Days

The bit about the Bushes' little dog ruining a reading of a Christmas story brought to mind some other recent doggie events...

The owner of the shop I work at has a few children. The youngest, a girl, owns rabbits. Heck, just about everyone at the shop is a pet owner of some sort (except myself, does hubby-Eric count?). In any case, the girl's rabbits live outside, in a nice little hutch built for them. Unfortunately, the rabbit home was not strong enough to endure an attack by another animal, who killed one of the rabbits. A couple of days later, the girl heard noises from outside one morning, and managed to get out just in time to stop a large dog from killing the other rabbit. The culprits were a pair of dogs, and the girl heard their owner calling for them even as she picked up the limp rabbit that one of the dogs had dropped from his mouth as he ran.

I want to point out that this happened in Seattle, within the city limits. Seattle has a leash law, and when my boss catches the man whose animals did this, she fully intends to set the law on him. I hope she does, because I find that, more and more, I can't stand to see dogs off-leash.

With this incident fresh in our minds, we heard the loud screeching of brakes outside the shop the other day. Moments later, when someone opened the door of the shop, an excited little dog raced in and immediately started jumping on everyone it could reach, including a little girl who was small enough that it nearly bowled her over. The shop owner was just short of enraged at seeing the leash-less dog wandering the shop.

A man followed the dog in, and after we captured the little guy, he explained that he lived in the neighborhood, and had spotted the dog crossing the street. The car that had screeched to a halt had missed the dog by about a foot. The man intended to take the dog home and then wander around the area to see if he could find the owners. The dog had no tags, no identification at all, just a rubber band tying up some of the hair on its head.

We tsked about it, figured the dog had gotten loose from it's home. It was probably an indoor dog. The man later came back to let us know that he was taking the dog to the pound, if anyone asked about it. No one has.

My in-laws pugs got loose once. They escaped by visiting grandmother, who lives downstairs, and sneaking out when she didn't properly latch the screen door. Grandma has been extremely careful since then. Although one of the pugs has tried repeatedly to escape by burrowing under the fence in the front yard, he hasn't had much success.

Makes me think that dogs are too much trouble. I don't like seeing them hurt, nor do I like seeing them hurt others.