Friday, December 06, 2002

Five Days....

Five more days to Aquaman #1. Yes, I've read it. But I'm still excited. It's the first issue of hopefully a great many more. I want this Aquaman series to finally top #100.

Saw another episode of SpongeBob Squarepants featuring Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. This was the fourth short, and had SpongeBob accidently stealing Mermaid Man's utility belt (as well as a funny face-off between Squidward and Barnacle Boy).

A funny episode that focused much less on the super-heroes than on SpongeBob himself. 3 starfish.

I wrote to Rick Veitch with my review of Aquaman #1, and got a nice response. The guy is just nice. If for no other reason than because he politely answers his fan mail, people should buy Aquaman #1 and give the book a try.

Ok, got a long day at work ahead of me tomorrow. Retail at Christmas... I am nuts, aren't I?