Monday, December 09, 2002

Fly Away, Flu!

I think it's official. I think I've got a flu bug. In addition to the stuffed up nose and general soreness of my nasal and throat passages, every muscle in my body feels like someone twisted them around tightly and then let go. My chest feels like someone has been jumping on it. With cleats on. When I lay down in bed to try to sleep, the aches come in waves and I have to get up and move around a little to make them stop. I finally managed a nap in the beanbag chair, but it got uncomfortable after a while too.

I can't sleep, I seem to have had enough rest. I'm drinking hot cocoa and orange juice as much as my body will take, but I couldn't stomach the thought of breakfast, so I'm getting really hungry now. Reading old Aquaman comics on fiche isn't doing enough to distract me. Especially since I keep dozing off while trying to read, but when I lay down to try to doze, I feel wide awake.

Being sick is no fun. I'd rather be at work.