Truth #2: Ok, I know that some seriously sick things were done to minorities during WWII, but this bit seems to go over the line of credibility even for the Marvel Universe. The art still isn't quite working for me, although I'm starting to get used to it. In any case, I'm not quite sure I like the direction this is headed. 2 concerned starfish.
Birds of Prey #50: Basically a jumping on issue. A whole new arc is starting, and most of this issue is set-up for it. Good artwork, decent story set-ups... 3 interested starfish.
JSA #43: Mostly set in the past. The distant past. While I can't really remember what happened in the last issue, there is enough context here for me to follow the story. Another ok issue. 2 1/2 savage starfish.
Supergirl #77: Ok, I think I'm beginning to see where Kara is from. Anyway, this issue is kind of spoiled for me by the knowledge that the series is being cancelled. Without that knowledge, I think I would have enjoyed it immensely, but as it is, I only enjoyed it a lot. 3 1/2 super starfish.
Rising Stars #21: Sure, NOW it gets really really good. Yeah, some of the issues were quite cool before, but this one is truly interesting. I wish Brent Anderson had pencilled it from the beginning. 4 wowed starfish.
PS238 #0: This issue is made up of a bunch of short takes, and it's really funny. Definitely recommended. This may be the best all-ages to come around in awhile. 4 1/2 laughing starfish.
And lastly:
Birds of Prey: Nature of the Beast: Actually, this was a pretty good episode. Better than the last few. Whole lotta "family" in this one. 3 telekinetic starfish.
Next Week's probable books: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen II #4, Gotham Adventures #57, Gotham Girls #5, Power Company #11, Titans #48, Amazing Spider-Man #48, Avengers #62, Ruse #15, Archard's Agents #1 and Opposite Forces #2. Big week if everything comes.
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