Saturday, December 21, 2002

Scary People

My boss is a strong woman who has raised a number of very cool children. She owns a shop that, when she started, people told her was "impossible" and that she'd go out of business in no time because there is no demand for the products she wants to sell. She's been in business 8 years now. My boss is a bit shorter than me, and was injured in a car accident a few months ago. She has a bad back, and is very sensitive to temperature changes because of it.

Yesterday, a man who had cheated us once before came into the shop and managed to bamboozle us again. My boss called him on it, and he came to the store last night just before closing, after apparently having a few drinks to stiffen his resolve. After yelling at my boss at the front desk for a bit, she convinced him to take it outside, where he continued to yell at her. He kept getting into her face, and she kept backing up until she couldn't any more.

So she slapped him.

And he hit her back, then threw her at a parked car. I wasn't there for the altercation, but I had been one of the clerks who had dealt with him earlier in the day. The man was at least a foot taller than me. And he hit and pushed my boss around.

I like my boss. She gave me a job that I adore, has helped me regain a lot of the self-confidence that I lost in my old job, and is a pretty nice woman for all her human faults. She shouldn't have gotten herself into the situation, nor should she have slapped him (no matter how much he deserved it), but she knows that. The police (who were called in) and all the other customers in the store supported her. Heck, when the man threatened to boycott in front of the store, one customer said she would come out and counter-boycott.

But it's very scary. We run a good, fun store. We have lots of good customers. Good people. Smart people. It's scary that any one of them would intentionally cheat us, then come back drunk when we complained about it. It's just... scary.