Rapid reviews will be coming later tonight or tomorrow, since the comics arrived today. You might recall how last time I suspected Aquaman might be in the Sneak Peek package, the shop owner and her employee gleefully fooled me into thinking it wasn't there? Yeah, well, I fell for it again. They are both just so trustworthy and honest! And they did not lie to me (either time). They told me this time, when I asked to look at the Sneak Peek package, that Aquaman wasn't in it. That's because they had already put it in my pull box.
So yeah, I've read Aquaman #2 already. This is going to require a bit of effort to write a review for, as I helped a tiny bit on the background of this story and I'm still reeling about it. But, believe me, I've got a lot to say on this one.

I'm not used to reading old 1950s Aquaman in Black and White, but it's still very cool! If anyone knows where I can find any Curt Swan & Win Mortimer Superman Newspaper Strip panels, please let me know. That's what my fellow fan who is helping me out with Aquaman is looking for, and I would love to help him get stuff he wants!
Hubby-Eric and I have bought our tickets for the Emerald City Comicon. I waited until Studio Foglio had signed on. As far as I'm concerned, it's now an official convention. I hope Kurt Busiek will come on up for it.
My newest link over on the side there is to Aunt Marcia's Page. Aunt Marcia is actually hubby-Eric's aunt, his mother's sister. She and I get along well, though, and we both love jigsaw puzzles. She's a great person to sit and puzzle with. She's also a wonderful artist, as you can see on her page. She made a quilt for hubby-Eric and I for our wedding that is a true work of art. Her annual calendar always graces a wall in our house. So go visit her website and take a look, you might like it.
Ponderous by 2NU. It's not really a song, so much as a linear dream with a beat, but it's pretty fun. Heard it on the radio today, and it reminded me that I enjoyed it.
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