Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Rapid Review - TV

Smallville: Insurgence: WOW. That was a really good episode. The acting was just superb, lots of significant looks that meant a lot in context. And we finally know where the octagon key for the spaceship is! This is a do-not-miss-it episode. 4 1/2 starfish. 4 1/2 starfish

And in Other News

The carbonara turned out edible. Next time I make it (and I think I will make the effort sometime) I'm reducing the recipe by a bit. We ended up with leftovers for a week. But at least it seems to have mostly worked, and hubby-Eric seems to have enjoyed it. Either that or he's a really good actor.

A letter came in the mail today for me. The handwriting on the envelope looked very familiar. In fact, it was my own handwriting. It was the SASE I sent in my letter to Paul Norris, returned with a letter and a piece of art (photocopied, not original). Now I understand why Will said Paul Norris is very approachable! The letter is very nice, and he even invites me to write to him again with any questions I have. Yeah, that's happening. Very soon, indeed!

Yup, this was the best birthday ever.