Thursday, January 30, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 29 Jan 2003 - Part II

I find it amazing that we got more Marvel comics this week than DC comics. That's a rarity that isn't likely to happen again, as this is the last issue of Avengers we are buying, which gets us down to two Marvel books. And Truth is just a mini. We will drop Amazing Spider-Man if JMS ceases to write it or if the quality drops. And in the meantime, no new Marvel books.

Avengers #63: Did I miss an issue or two? Insert quick internet search here Ah, yes, I did. This issue just is a big reminder of why I hate crossovers. This one started in Thor, went to Iron Man, and finished lamely in Avengers. I don't know how the other two parts to the story were, since I don't BUY either of them. Perhaps I should send this issue back to Marvel and demand my money back because I didn't get a full story. In any case, the only redeeming factor in this issue was the art, and that wasn't nearly enough to save it. 1 1/2 starfish

Truth #3: This is a serious subject, and the art just doesn't fit it at all. Not even remotely. And while I'm getting used to the art, it just isn't working for me. It's hard to tell what is happening because of a lack of good storytelling in the artwork, and the cast is just large enough to cause confusion even if the characters were a little better drawn. If this series succeeds, it will be despite the artwork, not because of it. 2 starfish

Ruse #16: Hey! There was a cliffhanger last issue, and I wanted to see a resolution! All we got was a hint. And, while it was an entertaining little romp, translating the girl's dialogue got old very fast and the boy is just annoying. Not the best issue I've seen. Wouldn't this have been better suited for the Archard's Agents companion title? 2 1/2 starfish

Usagi Yojimbo #63: This is the most dependable comic book of all. While it isn't always truly spectacular, it's always good at the very least. I'm enjoying the current arc of independent stories, linked by Usagi's travels with his son. And this issue brought back a fun character, had a little mystery for the reader to try and solve, and taught the characters (at least one of them) as well as added to the Usagi universe. I just wish this book came out more frequently. 4 1/2 starfish

Books scheduled to ship next week: Justice League Adventures, Spectre, Young Justice, and Way of the Rat.