Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Waking Dreams

I'm going to record this mostly so I won't forget it if it happens again.

This morning I was half-awake... the alarm had gone off and hubby-Eric had left for work (happy birthday Eric!) so I was alone in the house. I was sleeping on snooze, trying to wake up but not too serious about it. Then I heard some noises in the house. My logic circuits told me it was the rain on the roof, but my imagination was absolutely positive there was an animal in the house with me. I kicked into "urgent" mode, trying to wake up as quickly as possible so I could figure out what type of animal it was and how it got into the house. My eyes opened but I couldn't move, and I heard the animal coming into the bedroom and saw it. It was a very pretty, somewhat large, cream colored dog. I wish I could tell you the breed, but I don't know dog breeds well. It looked fairly friendly, but its tail was not wagging. I tried to say "Shoo!" to get it out of the room long enough so I could jump up and be prepared to deal with it, but nothing came out of my mouth. I was paralyzed. The dog, however, heard me. It looked at me like it was being bad, then quickly left the room.

After a few moments of mild panic, reason set in and I realized it had been another waking dream. At least twice before I've had the same sort of dream, once with the same dog (and it happened in the last couple of weeks) and once with a person (that happened a couple of years ago but scared me so badly I haven't forgotten it). The paralysis is apparently an illusion caused by the half-awake mind. After the first incident, I did a little research to figure out what had happened to me, and concluded that it was a perfectly normal side-effect of the slow way I wake up.

In any case, it's a very freaky feeling, and I want to remember it so I can compare notes the next time it happens. And yes, I checked the house after I got up. No dog, and no way a dog could have gotten in.