Thursday, March 20, 2003

War Update

A good attempt to debunk myths on both sides of the war issue is at Spinsanity. This article not only addresses some of the problems with Bush's argument for war, it also tackles the peace-protesters propoganda. An interesting read for anyone. Thanks again to the tireless Mark Evanier for the link.

From the reports on CNN, I think more people are currently being injured in protests against the war than in the war itself.

Rapid Reviews - 19 Mar 2003 - Part I

I should get back to comics, since that reality is more pleasant than watching CNN...

Truth #5: Finally. Something. I can't say what, it would give it away, but this issue is marginally better than any of the others since the first issue. 2 1/2 starfish

Birds of Prey #53: Hmmm, not worse than the last few issues, but not a lot better. I get the impression that Hernandez was being given conflicting directions from editorial on what they wanted on this book, so a whole lot of nothing has resulted. I'm not impressed. 2 1/2 starfish

Smallville #1: Not bad for a TV-tie-in. The story is derivative, we've already done the invisible person on the show. And the show itself does a lot with family relations, so that's nothing new either. The art is ok, but not super. Overall, this is just average. 3 starfish

Still to review: Scary Monsters, Unholy Three, Power Company, Green Arrow, Supergirl, and Crossovers.