Crossovers #4: Wow. I keep wondering how the crossing over can be kept up, but this series just continues to exceed its promise. Yeah, it's not high art, but it's one of the funniest comics on the shelves right now. And although I see many of the twists coming, I've been fooled by more than one. And the dog!!!!!! BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

Powers #30: The conclusion. Wow. It's a different wow than for Crossovers. This is a brutal book, not for children. And it's a very wow ending, since the whole book has been... rewritten. You can't see this thing in DC and Marvel, but this is the kind of change that makes reading this comic worth it.

Next week: Green Lantern, JLA, Power Company, Ruse, and the long anticipated Superman: Red Son Elseworld (what if Kal-El's rocket had landed in the Soviet Union instead of Kansas?).
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