Thursday, April 03, 2003


I just got two calls in a row from people in the Northshore school district asking where the heck my hubby was. He taught math yesterday at a high school, and the teacher wanted him back. So the first call was from the school asking if he was ok and if he'd left for work yet. While I was surprised, because he hadn't said anything to me about going back today, I had to confess that I couldn't remember where he was. Then the teacher he subbed for yesterday called. I explained that I really had no idea where he was, and that he'd loved teaching the class yesterday, so I would have expected him to go back if he had the chance. She said that she'd called him during his 6th period and talked with him about it. I then quickly checked the other district he works in, and there was no job listed there. So, since he'd already left, he had to be somewhere in Northshore.

Immediately the worst thoughts started to populate my head. What if he was in an accident? It's not like him to be tardy at any job. So I did the reasonable thing and tried calling the automated system to find out where he is, if he isn't at this high school again. After busy signals for a long time, which seemed even more forever because I was worried, I finally got through and the system said he was at another school. As the system gave the school name I remembered, hubby-Eric had told me about this job last night. Whew, he's safe.

Now the question becomes, why didn't he go back to the High School? I know he loved his day there, so he would have accepted immediately any offer to stay. And I don't think he would have simply forgotten. He can be as absent-minded as the next person, but it really seems unlikely to me. So now I'm dying of curiousity, and I won't see him until at least 8pm tonight. Hrm.