I keep thinking about Bill Bennett. Christians should look at him closely, because he illustrates a Biblical incident quite beautifully. See, there was a group of nasty religious guys who wanted to prove that Jesus wasn't the Messiah, so they kept setting up moral traps for him. In one case, they caught a woman involved in adultery (John 8:4) and brought her up to Jesus to make him condemn her to death. He mostly ignored them, and finally said only one statement to them: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." (John 8:7) So these guys all thought about it, and then they left. The oldest first, then all the rest. They couldn't throw the first stone because they knew they were guilty of other things. There's a moral here, on both sides of the issue. But the side I find most enlightening is how Bill Bennett's stone-casting is coming back to him. I guess if you throw enough stones, one of them is bound to bounce back and hit you. There's another biblical scripture for that, from the Sermon on the Mount: "Judge not, that ye be not judged." (Matthew 7:1).
It's a shame that more of the most vocal Christians don't practice the advice of their own scripture.
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