Saturday, May 31, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 29 May 2003 - Part III

JLA: Scary Monsters #3: I like this tale a lot more than I like the regular JLA at the moment. This should be the main book. An intriguing mystery, frightening foes, and a cover by Art Adams. What more can you ask for? 4 starfish

Alan Moore: A Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman: This is a dense book. That's dense as in thick, crowded, full. The positive meaning. There's little bits from just about everybody who is anybody in the comic book biz, and much of it is bizarre beyond description. There are text pieces, artwork, photos... a little bit of everything. I don't recommend this to anyone who doesn't like Moore's work, but if you like Moore's stuff, this is worth picking up. 3 1/2 starfish

Next week's books as scheduled are: Usagi Yojimbo, Batman Nevermore, JSA All Stars, Justice League Adventures, and Way of the Rat.

And here's an extra one for the road.

My Uncle Jeff: This is a quiet and introspective story about a family. Don't be deceived by the title, Uncle Jeff is just a focal point, not the story. It's both sad and happy, with dreams and hopes and everything about life fit in. And I felt extremely melancholy after reading it. 4 starfish

And for those of you who want an update on my friend Leah Adezio, she is "guest blogging" on Elayne Rigg's Blog.