Thursday, May 01, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 30 Apr 2003 - Part I

Green Lantern #163: Gah, I hate to admit it. I've liked everything I'd read by Raab before this, but it's clear to me that his parts of this crossover aren't as good as Winick's. I think the biggest change is the tone of the relationship between Kyle and Ollie, and it just works better when Winick is writing than Raab. This issue is one of Winick's, by the way. 3 1/2 starfish

JLA #80: Hate to say it, but Luthor's got a point. One that the readers of the book have been making for a while now. Just who are these extras, and why are they JLA material? With much of the League missing in the past, they made sense... but why have they stayed on? By all means, I hope this story can answer that question... but I have my doubts. 3 starfish

Namor #1: Pretty good art, pretty poor story. It really plods along, and there are some very odd historical inaccuracies in the opening pages. 1920s? No one would use "Man" as an exclamation. Multiracial beach? Not likely. A beach that busy in the Pacific Northwest? HA! Some of the men are wearing trunks... in 1920? Sorry, no. In short, before I ever got into the story, I was shaking my head at all the mistakes. If this were a plot point, I might be interested... but it doesn't seem to be. In short, it was worth the 25 cents I paid, but not a lot more. The only reason it's rated this high is because of the artwork: 2 1/2 starfish

Smallville: Witness: There are a number of changes in this episode that, at first glance, don't make a lot of sense. And Clark apparently shows off his abilities to too many people. This could go down as one of the weakest episodes in a long time, or it might prove to be the set-up of some truly fascinating stories. Time will tell. 3 starfish

Don't forget to visit The Smallville Ledger for more fun stuff (visit the Classifieds for in-jokes and possible hints to upcoming plotlines). Still to Review: Power Company, Ruse, and Superman: Red Son. Not to mention all the free comics coming on Saturday.

Name Check

Newsarama has an interview with Rick Veitch which is mostly about his leaving Aquaman. While I'm not positive that I am Aquaman's number one fan, it's nice to get a name check.