Monday, June 30, 2003

Rapid Review - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Got to be careful with this one, as I want to spill the beans. I doubt that anyone reading this hasn't read the book yet if they want to (except for hubby-Eric), but that doesn't mean I ought to put spoilers up front. So I'll hide them.

Rowling is a very good storyteller, and that makes up for most of her faults as a writer. The writing is simple and straightforward, but the story is a rippin' yarn that draws you in and carries you along. I thought the length would bother me, but I just kept turning pages, dying to find out what happened next. This book is much darker than the first four, with less humor moments, and the end is a bit of a downer in some ways. There are also some gaping plotholes that might have solutions in future books... Overall, not as good as the others, but better in some ways. Fun non-spoiler quote: "Europa's covered in ice, not mice" - Hermione 3 1/2 starfish

Spoiler Review Below (highlight/select to read):

End Spoilers. If the above stuff shows up on your computer without you highlighting it, please let me know what kind of browser and computer you are using so I can try to fix it. Thanks.