Empire #0: I had already read the two stories reprinted here, but it's been awhile. I recall not really liking the book when it first came out, and urging hubby to not order the rest, but hubby liked it and we ordered the next couple of issues... which never came out. These stories have held up well, and I like them more this time around.
Ruse #21: The plot thickens, even as one problem finds a happy solution. And we finally get some detecting in the story! Not bad. However, one spoilerish problem: Why didn't the spiders bite Emma when she found them? (if this works, highlight to read).
Birds of Prey Secret Files 2003: DC has done a great job with these books recently, giving us at least two, and sometimes three, really strong stories outside the normal book continuity. And the profiles are ok, too. This is a pretty good one.
Still to review: Green Lantern, JLA, and Astro City.
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