Monday, July 07, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 2 July 2003 - Part II

Superman: Birthright #1: The artwork doesn't really do it for me. The story is interesting enough, but I keep getting distracted by the odd art. It certainly doesn't destroy the book, but it's bad enough of a problem to make me ever-so-mildly disappointed. 3 starfish

Amazing Spider-Man #54/495: JMS avoided a seriously annoying cliche at the end of this story when (spoilers) (end spoilers). For that, he gets kudos. Have I mentioned how good the artwork is in this book? Solid enough to follow the story without dialogue, if you wanted to. Another great issue of this book. 4 starfish

Usagi Yojimbo #67: Wow, this one cranks up the action, and shows Jotaro's skills, as well as linking back to other stories in the series. This issue is the epitome of a good middle issue of an on-going story. Strong action, fun sequences, and even a double-cliffhanger! 4 1/2 starfish

Update: Still to review: Age of Bronze, Radioactive Man, Detective, Batman: Nevermore, Formerly Known As The Justice League, JSA: All Stars, and Justice League Adventures. And, just because I can, I'm going to mention WildGuard again, since I'm fond of Todd Nuack whom I met at San Diego Comicon 2000 (if you read my report, look for the picture of Mike Carlin pretending to be Aquaman, the meeting with Todd is described in that section).