After you've bought some cheapie shares in up-and-coming blogs, you'll want to sell those shares to get more money. Selling shares is as simple as buying them. Just go to your portfolio, click on the name of the blog whose shares you want to sell, and click the "Sell Shares" link under the Share Market heading. If you sell in increments, like you bought, you can make more money, but I recommend waiting until you have some money to play with before investigating that.
Once you've done all that, simply repeat all the steps until you have some capital to play with. You are now a blogshares player with a bit of cash to spend! There are two paths you can take from this point.
The "normal" path of a blogshares player would be to keep investing in more and more blogs, picking winners from the pack by looking at their numbers and all the other information provided. By this method you can slowly build up a blogshares fortune and become a tycoon. You can also find new blogs and add them to the system, thus contributing to the community as well as providing you with something new to invest in. But there is now another way to become rich in the game.
Recently, because the tycoons in the game were getting a little bored, a new concept and trading system was introduced (and is still being tweaked, as of this writing). The system uses the Industries that a blog belongs to. Industries are just categories that blogshares players vote on. For instance, my blog belongs to "DC Comics" industry because I voted it into that industry. Another player voted it into the "USA" industry, so my blog belongs to both. Originally, industries were just categories, nothing more. But the new market takes advantage of those categories, and your blog produces "ideas" within all the industries it belongs to.
Every fifteen minutes, as blogs are indexed, new ideas are produced and put up on the ideas market. The pricing of the ideas is something I have yet to figure out, except that ideas are a classic case of "buy low, sell high" and if you follow that simple rule, you can make a bunch of B$'s really fast.
Using this link, I can track ideas by their availability and worth. If you are just starting out in the ideas market, set some limits. Don't buy any idea that's more than $500 per, and don't sell any idea until it gets over $1000 per. The ideas market is very volatile, but there is minimal risk if you follow your own rules. The important thing to remember is that the values change every fifteen minutes, so if you find yourself regretting a purchase, as long as you sell it within fifteen minutes, you will not lose anything.
In addition to being a rapid market in which you can quickly make (or lose) a fortune, there is another goal with ideas. When you get 10,000 ideas in a variety of industries, you can buy an Artefact for that industry. And Artefacts allow you to do nasty stuff to the shares side of things, if you are so inclined.
More on that in my fourth and final installment: "What do you mean, you own a Senator?!??"