Saturday, October 11, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 8 October 2003 - Part III

Yup, even more comic book and comic TV show reviews! The Justice League episode I'm reviewing was shown last week, but I only just watched it.

JSA: All Stars #6: Interesting tale of the current Dr. Mid-Nite, but he gives away enough information to compromise his secret identity, if he has one. And since he didn't give his actual name, I'm assuming he does. Very silly. The back-up story was pretty weak. 3 1/2 starfish

JLA #88: Still confusing, but not nearly as bad as it was earlier. This new version of Plastic Man is quite a tale... and it's the one thing that really interests me in this current story. 3 1/2 starfish

Justice League: Tabula Rasa: AMAZO at last! And not like any other Amazo. None of those silly outfits, and no final resting place in the Justice League's trophy case, either. It was interesting to see Mercy again, too. As usual, my only complaint about this Justice League is that it isn't the real JL, as it's missing a founding member. But otherwise, it was good. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Fallen Angel, World's Best Sampler, Crossovers, El Cazador, and something else.