Friday, October 31, 2003

Wow, A Crowd!

I'm surprised. We've had 19 Trick or Treaters so far, including one group of goth teenagers who hubby-Eric said look like the way some of his students dress, so he wasn't entirely sure they were in costumes (I was... that much makeup is saved for special occasions). It's after 9 pm now, so I don't expect we'll get many more. But then, it's a Friday night Halloween, and the weather (though cold) is pretty nice.

Everyone who came got a package of comic books and cards left over from last year, along with a JLA Liberty and Justice preview and a full-size candy bar. The goth teens were shocked by the haul, and I think one of them actually stammered when she thanked me (they didn't bring bags, I guess they figured that fun-size candy would fit in their pockets). Once we ran out of the packages left over from last year, I started pulling out age-appropriate books from "the big box o' comics to give out for Halloween", making sure that each stack had at least three books. I think I'm going to have to re-supply the box soon, as it's actually been depleted by this year's efforts. And, maybe next year I'll buy us a package or two of the Halloween ashcans.

When my brother and his wife brought their children over (numbers 18 and 19) she and I talked about what a selfish holiday Halloween is. I think of it as just the opposite. I get to give out stuff to kids, and the only price they have to pay is to dress up and impress me with their costume and their bravery of coming up to my door. I love the giving aspect of Halloween. I never loved trick or treating nearly as much as I love being on the other side of it.