Hey, it's Eric Shanower's work, how can I not blog about it? Just got an e-mail from Eric himself about the lunchbox, since my Eric wants a couple of them and wanted to make sure this was a legit product. Yup, and so we are putting them on our order. And if you know any kids that love the Wizard of Oz books, this is a PERFECT gift.

Order code from Previews is "NOV03 3532" and the price is $16.99, which is not bad for a lunchbox with Eric Shanower artwork on it. I'd call it a must-have for Oz fans, and any collector is going to want one to show off and one to use... like, oh, hubby-Eric for example. It'll be out sometime early next year... if we're really lucky (and I doubt it) we might even get them in time for hubby-Eric's birthday.
And, yeah, I'm pushing it, recommending that people buy it. I happen to like Eric Shanower, and hope that this little piece of property will help him pay his bills and take worries off his mind so he can draw more Age of Bronze.
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