Sunday, November 02, 2003

Random Thoughts

I apologize for my current smiley fixation. I'm sure they will go away eventually. Maybe.

Do people like getting an Aquaman sketch every Saturday night to enjoy on Sunday morning?

I was very happy to hear the patter of rainfall on the roof this morning, as the news reports were talking about "Snow, and not in the mountains". We cannot afford to have snow up here after that 50-days of no school.

Johnny B has some thoughts on how to link other bloggers as well as thoughts on Matt Brady's little rant on why he doesn't blog. Brady seems to think we are all blogging for the acclaim or something. Sorry, I'm blogging because I need to write, and this is a good way to get something down every day. If no one read it, I'd still blog.

More team comix members: Kevin Melrose, Rick Geerling, and Ron Phillips. Time will tell if I add them to my blogroll.

For the record, I can't stand candy corn either.

Justice League rif on Sluggy Freelance. No, no Aquaman. It's based on the cartoon.

Neilalien has a roundup of recent Doctor Strange appearances. I am looking forward to seeing his opinion of Strange in 1602.

If the first image of American Comics vs Manga didn't impress you, here's a couple more comparisons.

Elayne Riggs links to a great summary of today's political landscape, at least from any single person's point of view.

Neil Gaiman links to an article that asks if Jesus had a wife. Well, of course he had a wife. And, yeah, it was probably Mary Magdalene. The guy was 30 when he ended his carpentry career and started preaching, he probably lived a very normal, if remarkably holy, life up to that point. And people in that day and age got married. Even carpenters. Especially carpenters. The other bits of the article, about the Da Vinci Code and the secret society... I don't know or care about. But I always figured growing up that it was only natural for Jesus to have married. Seemed like common sense, really, once you remember that he was also a man.

CNN has finally reported on the voting machine problems. They summarize the one issue that bothers me the most in a single paragraph: "Recounts: Without a separate receipt, election officials can't conduct a reliable recount but can only return to the computer's tally." If the machine doesn't have a paper trail that can be put in a locked box and gone back to for a recount, then it isn't worth the circuits it's printed on.