Monday, November 03, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 29 October 2003 - Part II

Justice League: Hearts and Minds: A Green Lantern tale! With a developing romance between a couple of Justice Leaguers? No Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman in this one, but we get to see Kilowog, so it's all fine. 4 starfish

Green Lantern #170: This one is the "ok, everyone who isn't sure what's happening, here's the scoop" issue. And it's pretty weak. The method of catching people up isn't that bad, but the art is jarring. Not bad for a jumping on point, but for anything else... I'll pass. 3 starfish

JLA #89: Hrm. It ended too quickly. And here I thought Plas was going to finish the story off, and instead it's ... someone else. Sort of. I guess I'm not disappointed in the story, but it wasn't deeply satisfying. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Amelia Rules and Age of Bronze.