JLA-Z #2: There's not a lot to say about this one. It's just a pin-up book, after all. However, I now know that I must someday get myself an Aquaman sketch by Michael Avon Oeming, whose work I already like a lot in Powers, because he does a classic Aquaman in the JLA (Year One) pin-up and it is one of the BEST Aquaman drawings I've seen in a long time. I mean, it's just COOL. I can't put my finger on why I like it so much, but I really, really like it. It makes me wonder what an Aquaman story with art by Oeming would look like. I would really like to see that. Um, I'll stop gushing now. But that single Aquaman takes this book up to four starfish from the average three and a half.

Powers #35: The only thing that Christian Walker wants... is to not be who he is. Now we know how the dampening effect was first invented, and we have a possible way for Walker to become what we were originally introduced to. Reading this issue made me want to go back and re-read the entire series, but alone it wasn't really that satisfying.
Crossovers #9: I mistakenly thought this was not a new issue, and almost didn't get it today. But I'm glad I was corrected. It's a good 'un. Afrodite thinks she's corrected all the discordian upsets, but methinks she's missed a few. And we continue to learn more and more about the family, some of which is just plain weird. My main complaint with this issue is that trying to cover every storyline, and there's a lot more than just four now, led to this one being remarkably disjointed.
It's a crying shame that this is the last issue of this book. I hope it comes back soon, even if in another form. I've got Crossovers #10, Crossovers #11, and Crossovers #12 still on my shipping list, by the way. Issue ten was supposed to introduce a new family member, and issue eleven had another Norman Rockwell inspired cover. I'm really disappointed. CrossGen has a lot to answer for, darnit!
Still to review: Akiko, Usagi Yojimbo, Empire, Justice League Adventures, Supreme Power, and Assembly.
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