Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Game Blogging

Fluxx. From Looney Labs. Approximate price: $10. Number of players: 2-6. Ages: 8+. Time to play: 2-30 minutes. Rules Rigidity: Rigid yet changing, personal cards can be made. Goal of Game: To meet the currently played goal card.

I snagged the demo copy of this game that was sent to the shop I work at, and I'm unwilling to give it back. I need to actually pay for it soon. I was given the assignment to take the game home and learn it and report back on it, which I did. Basically, it's really really fun. The shop owner seemed satisfied with that description.

You start the game with no goal. You put a "Basic Rules" card on the table and follow the instructions. As turns progress, you play four different types of cards. Some cards change the rules (instantly), some cards allow you to take actions, some cards just sit around looking pretty, and some cards set a goal for the game. As a player, you want to set down a goal card that you can meet.

Sounds simple? Well, yeah, it is, but it can also be remarkably complicated in a good way. It's also possible to win very quickly if you get dealt the right cards, and it's possible to be winning the game only to lose when your opponent next draws. People who like long-term strategy and hate luck should avoid this game.