Thursday, January 08, 2004

Random Thoughts

The net has been very active while I tried to set up my desktop computer again. Here's some stuff I found on a quick visit to some of my sites.

Mark Evanier on Pete Rose. He pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject.

Fanboy Rampage has been on a ... um ... rampage since returning from Christmas break. Catch up on comic book news there.

Grotesque Anatomy links to an article on Pulse about Eight 1/2 Ghosts, a book that I mentioned in a previous "flipping through Previews" as a book I would like to try. Unfortunately, I didn't order it. But it looks really good.

Journalista continues to be one of the best comic/cartoon news sites out there. Just the facts, presented nicely and quickly. Go visit if you have any interest in comics.

One of the latest flaps in the world of comics blogging is about the idea that people waiting for books to come out as graphic novels is one reason the market is failing. Here's my thoughts: Both sides of the subject are right. Yes, people not buying single issues of comic books and instead waiting for the trade makes both single issues and trades more unlikely. But... if people don't want to buy the single issues, then something is wrong with the market, not with the people. Not everyone enjoys monthly installments like I do. Is there a solution? I don't know. But I agree it's a problem.

Interesting article on Boing Boing about US currency. It links to the NY Times, though, and I'm too lazy to reregister at the moment.

Boing Boing also links to Not Fooling Anybody, a fun look at storefronts that have changed very little when they change hands. Heh.

This link from Boing Boing made me laugh aloud, though. Yeah, Boing Boing is good stuff.

The Comic Treadmill reviews JLA: Liberty and Justice.

I've got to get going now, but maybe I'll find time to link to more later. This is hardly half the neat stuff I found this morning.