Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Random Thoughts

I have been linked to by Fred Hembeck. The honor is quite overwhelming. I just have to link to his great redo of the classic cover to Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #29 again. He also redid the cover to Aquaman #22, which was another good one.

Oh, oh, oh, ... LOL! I think I'm just going to giggle myself to death now... Scott Kurtz, you are my hero!

Aquaman, oh excuse me, Aquatic Man gets some fun on I Need A Hero. Check it out.

Speaking of making fun of Aquaman, check out the Weekly Burn on Down in the Mucky-Muck for a bit on the problem with having two Kings of Atlantis (second item). Should I mention that he spelled my name wrong in his link to me? Nah, it's not like "Gjovaag" is easy to spell.

It's all the fault of Mag at the Comic Treadmill for getting me curious enough to ask hubby. But, as you can see in the comment section, we did answer his question that wasn't related at all to Plastic Man. Three people have medalled in both the Summer and Winter Olympics, with Christa Luding-Rothenburger managing the feat in a single year, and Eddie Eagan getting gold in both summer and winter. Jacob Tullin Thams, the third person, was Norwegian.

I don't know why I'm linking to this bit from Sean. Perhaps it's because he intelligently wants us to keep cuter things to ourselves. I think most people would shout "TMI!" before I even started to explain what I think is cuter.

Huh, Shawn is flipping over an on-line comic. Time to go take a look.

Here's my monthly link to PS238, one of the best comics out there right now according to... um... me. Free samples on the website, so just go and look and decide if you are interested. People who have been reading the comic will be interested in the website updates.

Marta has posted another Harry Potter fan drawing. This one is about a fight in the dorm.

And last and least, I was going to write some more on the whole "waiting for the trade" thing, and realized that I really don't have anything to say. I agree with just about everybody on the subject. Yeah, I like reading single comics monthly, but I also like getting trades. I guess the only further thing I have to add is a mostly unformed thought I'm trying to put into words, so bear with me here. The publishers want single comic books to be what they were in the past. But the mechanics of entertainment have changed from the Golden and Silver Ages, and single issues are now too expensive to fill the niche they used to. As an industry, comics cannot go back. They have to go forward and find a new niche. I can't define that niche, nor do I care to guess at what it might be. I personally think there is a place for comic books in entertainment, and there always will be. So, what do comics want to be? If you answer that, perhaps you'll know what the future holds for them.