Friday, January 16, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 14 January 2004 - Part I

It's apparently "naked" week in the comics, so each review will include a "nakedity" rating as well as a starfish rating.

Smallville: Asylum [3-09]: Nasty stuff. And not everything in the episode fit into continuity. At some points it seemed like the writers were trying too hard to include Clark's old foes. What happened to Lex makes you wonder... did it really work, or is Lex hiding something? It was an ok episode, but I was still left with questions. I guess that's par for this show. Nakedity: Duplicate boy gets naked to divide himself, but since it's TV, it's not too obvious. Moderate. 3 1/2 starfish

Fallen Angel #7: Flashback to Lee's beginning in Bete Noire, leading up to some current events caused by the return of somebody she annoyed by setting up at Furors. It's a freaky, nasty little story, and I'm not sure why I want to keep reading, but I do. Nakedity: Four pages! Major. 3 1/2 starfish

H-E-R-O #12: So it's possible to become a super-hero of a different gender with the H-E-R-O device. Ooops. And the guy lost the device, too, which is a bit of a problem. Oh, and he's learning just how difficult it can be to get people to listen, REALLY listen, to you when you have such big, er, assets. Nakedity: the costume leaves very little to the imagination, but it's not much worse than the average superhero costume. Minor. 4 starfish

Still to review: Aquaman, Way of the Rat, Secret Identity, Thor, 1602, Green Arrow, and Hawkman.