Saturday, January 17, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 14 January 2004 - Part III

It's apparently "naked" week in the comics, so each review will include a "nakedity" rating as well as a starfish rating.

Superman: Secret Identity #1: Clark Kent doesn't have a secret, his parents just named him after the alter ego of Superman, which leaves him frustrated with the whole world... until suddenly he does have the secret, and it leaves him even more confused. But then, who would ever suspect that a kid named Clark Kent is actually... super? Nakedity: None. This is the tamest book this week. 4 starfish

Way of the Rat #21: Oh, the troubles Boon can get into. Now poor Po Po is into it, too. And another ring has shown up. I'm really curious as to what kind of wish needs to be written to prevent the doll from twisting it. Nakedity: Well, Po Po is always naked, and the monster is mostly naked. Moderate. 3 1/2 starfish

Green Arrow #34: A lot of set-up. A lot of sex. Some stupid crooks. Mildly interesting cliff-hanger. Nakedity: Four pages! Major. 3 starfish

1602 Part Six: While bits of the fight are very confusing, overall, this was a rocking issue. The answers are starting to come out, and it's going to be interesting to see how the main problem gets resolved. Nakedity: Uh, invisible woman? Minor. 3 1/2 starfish

Next Week's Comics: Arrowsmith, Batman Adventures, Birds of Prey, DC The New Frontier, and JSA, if everything ships. I also have several other reviews in the pipeline.