Tuesday, March 23, 2004


The blogs that have a "*" next to their name over there on my sidebar just are blogs that either don't have, or I haven't yet found, an RSS feed that works on Bloglines for them. Yeah, I'm doing the Elayne thing. heh.

If you think your blog is unfairly asterisk'ed, or you know of a feed for one of the blogs that are so marked, let me know. If you are using Blogspot, you can turn on the Site Feed by going to "Site Feed" in the "Settings" tab. Then just take that URL and post it on your blog and everybody will put you in their RSS thingys and be happy.

I'm actually reading a whole heckuva lot more blogs using Bloglines, so my blogroll might be expanding a bit in the future. I recommend Bloglines to anyone who is curious about RSS feeds. Just go and look, especially if you read a lot of blogs on a daily basis.