Monday, March 22, 2004


I've been avoiding the subject, because the gulf between Bush-worshippers and the rest of the world is so wide that it usually seems pointless to try to point out the obvious to the Bushites. But read this, and try to tell me that, if Clarke is telling the truth, Bush shouldn't be impeached immediately and charged with treason against the United States and War Crimes against Iraq.

How anybody can still believe Bush and his cadre of manipulative liars is well beyond my understanding, unless all Bush supporters really are fanatical super-conservative "Christians" who think Bush is appointed by God. That's the only explanation I can see for people continuing to fall for the garbage that the White House spouts daily. I don't like Kerry, but at least he seems to have a sense of reality. Bush doesn't even have that.

Here's some other good links: The Wall Street Journal finally notices that Bush was AWOL on 9/11, Condoleezza Rice refuses to testify under oath about 9/11, Internal Government Documents Show How the Bush Administration Reduced Counterterrorism, and Rummy gets caught in a lie on national TV. How can any Republican tolerate Bush and his friends destroying the credibility of their party, much less support the lying scumbags?

Update: Here's a quote from Bush about when he saw the first plane hit the WTC: "I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot."

Ok, there's a few things completely wrong about this statement. One: There was no footage of the first plane hitting the tower until well after the event happened. So unless he had access to information nobody else had, he couldn't have seen the first tower being hit the way he claims. Second thing wrong: He claims that he watched a MAJOR disaster happen live on TV, then went in to the classroom for a photo-op anyway?? What kind of idiot would do that? Third thing wrong: A jetliner hits an office building on a cloudless day, and he says "there's one terrible pilot"????!???? Bush supposedly is a pilot, how can he not realize immediately that something more serious is happening? Is he really that stupid, or was he making a horribly inappropriate joke? Conclusion: whether out of incredibly faulty memory, or out of sheer politicking, Bush lied flat-out about how he learned about 9/11. According to Republicans, lies are bad, and a liar should be impeached. Why hasn't Bush been impeached by the Republicans yet?

Another Update: I've been reminded via e-mail that it is acceptable for a President to lie about matters of national security, but a lie about his private sex life is far more serious and an impeachable offense. You would think in an intelligent country it would be the other way around, but no... Dubya can lie all he wants about what he did on 9/11, who was actually behind the attacks, and what he's doing to improve the economy... but until he lies about who he's sleeping with, he a sacred leader who cannot be impeached.