Thursday, March 25, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 24 March 2004 - Part I

Birds of Prey #65: Uh-oh. Getting confusing again. Some of these issues stand well alone, some of them require a re-read or recap of the previous issue to understand. This is one of the latter. It's a good enough issue, but hard to get into. 3 1/2 starfish

Outsiders #10: Hmmm. I wonder if Tony Isabella has seen this yet and started screaming? Anyway, pretty good story overall. Nothing really special, but nothing too bad, either. 3 1/2 starfish

Wildguard #6: Wow! None of my votes got in, but that's ok, as I think the team that resulted is a strong one. I'm looking forward to the next mini-series, especially if Todd continues to bring in other heroes in supporting roles. The villain of this issue was a good choice, IMHO. 4 starfish

Still to review: Hellboy: The Corpse, Conan, and Common Grounds.