Friday, March 26, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 24 March 2004 - Part II

Hellboy: The Corpse: A nice re-packaging of this story. The story itself is strong enough to pull people in, especially at 25 cents, and the suppplemental stuff in the back about the movie is fun, if a little thin. Definitely worth getting. 4 starfish

Conan #2: This reads like a classic folk tale, a legend. Which is how it was meant to read, yeah. The art is still amazing, and I really like the bits in the back that tell the story of Conan's creator. Pure fun fantasy. 3 1/2 starfish

Common Grounds #3: If you like Astro City, you probably ought to check this out. It's good on several levels, and the "two stories per issue" format helps. I would love to see this as an ongoing, even as a bi-monthly. While some people may not be confident in the anthology format, with different artists on each story, I've yet to be disappointed. In this one, I thought the first story was stronger, probably because of the Jewish character, one of the few times I've seen such a character portrayed so sympathetically. Usually the story would play up his differences in a negative light, in this story he explained them and the conversation moved on. It was refreshing. Go on, get this. Then let me know what you think. 4 starfish

Still to review: nothing from this week, except for my Flipping Through Previews post. Next week's comics (from the preliminary list): Avengers/JLA #4 (I held this in my hands from the retailer preview pack, it will be here next week), Arrowsmith #6, Usagi Yojimbo #74, Green Lantern #175, and JLA #95.