Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Some Good TV

C-SPAN is currently showing the public hearing portion of the September 11th commission. It's interesting to watch people trying to dodge questions, particularly Colin Powell, who completely avoided answering the last question I saw asked of him by repeating what he'd said before with little variation. The folks on both sides of the questioning are masters of evasion, so it makes for amazingly compelling TV if you can stand to watch it. I've also seen members of the panel repeatedly ask that Condoleezza Rice come and testify, even giving precedents to defeat the arguments against her testifying.

Anyway, if you want to watch people evading answering straight questions, go turn on C-SPAN. Doesn't matter which side of the argument you believe, this is some heavy stuff.

Update: I spoke too soon. Looks like they are moving the coverage over to C-SPAN3 after an hour break, which means I won't be able to watch it anymore as I don't get C-SPAN3. Had you asked me yesterday if I would be interested in C-SPAN3, I would have said "not at all". What a difference a day makes.

Another Update: C-SPAN.org has streaming video and audio. It comes over poorly on my machine, but I can at least follow it.

Update 11:30am Pacific: William Cohen is testifying, and just brought up "Wag the Dog" and the accusations against Clinton regarding his attacks on Saddam.

Update 12:30: Cohen finished and Rumsfeld and his posse have entered and Rumsfeld is starting his opening remarks. I didn't intend to blog this live, but the other events I was hoping for didn't happen so I'm a lady in waiting, and watching the testimony via the 'net.

Update 1:40: Rumsfeld has been called on his comments at the beginning of his opening remarks that he had never at any time considered the possibility of planes being used as weapons. Ben-Veniste has listed the tons of evidence that the panel has come up with that the possibility was known about in intelligence circles. Either Rumsfeld is an idiot who refused to listen to his people, or he's lying. Further update: Rumsfeld has confirmed that he refused to listen to his people.

Update 2:15: You can hear the anger in Wolfowitz's voice as he discusses Clarke's book.

Update 2:25: It appears to be over for the day. Testimony starts again 8:30am tomorrow Eastern Time. If I can wake myself up, I may just have to watch. Clarke is due to appear before the panel tomorrow, and the panel wants Condi Rice to show up also. It will be shown on C-SPAN3, so I'll have to get my computer to stream it again.

One Final Note and then this Blog Entry is done. Looks like C-SPAN will be replaying the whole morning's testimony tonight after they show the House session. You can catch that starting at 10:30pm if you are on the east coast. I think I'll be watching pre-season baseball instead. It's also being shown a little earlier on C-SPAN2... at least parts of it. Here's C-SPAN's Schedule.