Thursday, April 01, 2004

Foolish Round-up

Here's what I've seen so far:

Steve Lieber's Mercury Fundraiser Post.

Various posts by Bizarro Franklin over at Franklin's Findings.

Google has a good one.

Grotesque Anatomy goes gorgeous.

Good one on BoingBoing about the Electronic Frontier Foundation acquiring the Department of Justice.

Panda's Thumb has a list of anti-evolutionist April Fool's jokes.

Nothing overwhelmingly good, but lots of fun bits. Real blogging will return tomorrow, by the way. Today is for fools only.

Update: This one got me. I thought my brain had gone haywire for a moment:

Update: ah, I feel like a Fool! Notice that Progressive Ruin has morphed into "Gambitfan1987's Progressive Ruin"! I thought it was just another normal post until I actually looked at what he's done to the site. The All Gambit, All the Time is a fun post... The hyperactive animated gif is a nice touch.

Update: Considering that he's been doing this for awhile, this Mark Evanier post hardly counts as a proper April Fool. On the other hand, it is really funny. Particularly the Ed Sullivan one.

Update: Hit & Run directs us to the Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time, but my personal favorite is the 1989 KING-TV claim that the Space Needle had fallen over, crushing other buildings. The joke shut down the 9-1-1 system as frantic people called for more information, and made national headlines. According to Bill Stainton, "As a result, there’s now a federal law outlawing broadcasting jokes that put lives in danger."

Update: Ah, here's a good one at Creative Commons: Duke University Buys the Public Domain. There's more at ibiblio. This would definitely put a crimp in my plans to offer Wizard of Oz T-Shirts using public domain artwork at, wouldn't it?

Update: The genuis of "Family Circus" via... um... Mxyzptlk!, even referencing the Great April Fools Switcheroonie of '97.

Update: A list of Usenet April Fools Hoaxes. Some are actually pretty funny.

Update: Librarians get into the act. Don't you think the acronym is a dead giveaway?

Update: Here's some more possible jokes: - Military Ordinance, BBC - Cold war bomb warmed by chickens, Disney merges with Walmart, review of Microsoft Solitaire, The Leaky Cauldron has been taken over by Tom the Innkeeper, who seems a bit miffed at the site, This Is PNN, has a number of good posts today (I particularly like the Randy Johnson one, though Pete Rose as commissioner was also pretty funny), Tom Welling to play Superman in Superman 5, the US bans Paintball, Prequel to "The Passion", and finally a list of this year's jokes at