Plastic Man #5: Still a very scatter-brained storyline, enough so to turn me off to reading it, but there is a lot more to this issue than previous ones. I'm disappointed in the revelation, as it seems a little too cliche, but what do you expect from a book like this? Slightly better than the last issue, but I'm still neutral on it.
Swamp Thing #2: This issue would make absolutely no sense whatsoever if you haven't read the first issue. Fortunately, I have read the first issue, and I'm seeing where I think the story might be going. I'm very curious now to how it will play out. I have a feeling that this book may just join my pull list very soon.
Superman: Birthright #9: This issue isn't half bad. Ok, the art still bothers me like nobody's business, but the plot actually seems to be coming together finally. Again, I think I prefer the Smallville version of events so far, but this is workable. I can live with it.
Still to review: Thor, Justice League Adventures, Amazing Spider-Man, Supreme Power, and Amelia Rules.
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