Saturday, May 08, 2004

Having Trouble Thinking Of What To Blog Today

The title says it all, really. I can't seem to think of anything to blog about.

I'm currently reading "The Da Vinci Code", which I'll review when I'm finished. It shouldn't take long, as it's a pretty easy read. No wonder it's so popular.

I received the first three volumes of Sidekicks, a children's book series by Dan Danko and Tom Mason, for review. As soon as I'm finished with the library books, those are next up.

Today's mail also brought my Amazon order, with some more books to review, and Evening Shift by Chris Gumprich and Dwight Williams. And there are still a bunch of books in my AIT/Planet Lar box to read and review. So I'm going into a reading phase, where perhaps the blogging won't be as heavy.

On Tuesday I'm moving for five weeks to the Pug House of Horrors (minus the pugs), where I'll be house-sitting (and grandparent-sitting, too). My life will change a bit during that time.

In addition to everything else, the comic art collectors list has convinced me to put my original artwork that isn't just sketches up for other people to enjoy. I may put that up as a side gallery of the Sketchbook. For that section, which consists of pages from comics and commissioned work, my little moral hitch about asking permission doesn't apply, so I'll be posting pretty much everything I've got. Eventually. And, of course, tonight is another Saturday Sketch ™.

So, that's today's "nothing to blog about" blog.