Monday, May 03, 2004

Not Much Happening

Well... that's not true. Since the exciting news of the recovery of the theft at Wondercon, I've been focused on other things. Namely, trying to read my library books before they are due. And then I got another set of books to read in the mail today, more about that in a bit. And I haven't yet finished my Rapid Reviews from last week's comics. Nor have I gotten through the huge pile of AIT/Planet Lar books. And I'm getting ready to move to the Pug House of Horrors for a month to housesit (with no PUGS! wahoO!). And I recently tried to reduce our phone bill, only to discover that it might just be a whole lot cheaper to get a pair of cellular phones and cancel our land line. Add in a birthday party for a niece tomorrow, and getting to see my nephew who lives on the East Coast yesterday, and I'm rather busy. Oh yeah, and I reserved a hotel for Eric and I during our summer trip this year so we can go see the Winchester Mystery House (finally), and the hotel has wireless access so I should be able to blog live all through our vacation should the urge hit me. And it's almost one, and I have a dozen more errands to run in the next hour, so I'd best get going.