Friday, June 11, 2004

Friday Fitness Blogging

  • Weight = no reading
  • Change From Last Week = no reading
  • Met Exercise Goal? Yes
    Goal was ten minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Current Exercise Goal = ten minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Kept food diary? Yes.

I forgot to post this this morning. Nothing sinister, I've just been a little out of it all day long.

Same old problems. Reducing snacking is tough. I have allowed myself to snack on healthy foods. I got some blueberries for grandma, and she made me take about half. They are excellent snacking food. I also keep up the water trick, and that reduces how much snacking I do.

The blog has helped me keep up my exercise. When I really don't feel like going out, I just think "but then I'll have to write in my blog that I didn't make my exercise goal" and that's almost always enough to get me going. Surprise surprise. I guess I do care what other people think.