Saturday, July 10, 2004

Random Thoughts

It should be no secret to anyone that I pre-write some of my blog entries. I use the most basic of text editors for most of my writing, and edit everything at the last minute to try to keep up-to-date. This sometimes leads me to be "behind" on the news. But, as I've reminded myself repeatedly, I'm not a journalist and I'm not trying to scoop people. I don't care if I'm first to report something. Ok, I care, but I'm trying to stop caring. I'm writing this blog mostly for myself, and myself doesn't care if I get the scoop. Anyway, if something seems slightly out-of-date, this is probably the reason. I probably wrote it a few days ago.

If you miss letter columns, and as a former letter-hack I sure do, DC has finally posted their first on-line letter column. Am I happy with the new format? No, not really. But at least it's something.

July 13 is Computer Ate My Vote Day. If you understand the problems with unverified electronic voting, join in and put a badge on your blog. Make sure everyone knows about this issue. And, if you have a choice, request a paper ballot. If you vote electronically, you might as well not be voting.