Bloodhound #1: Ok. Colored me intrigued. This isn't a hero, but he's not a flat-out villain, either. I only bought it because of Robin Riggs doing the inks, but the story is going to keep me reading, I can tell. A little violent, but if you want something set in the DCU that's not too superhero-y, give it a try. Recommended.
Fallen Angel #13: This is a done-in-one story, well worth a read if you want a sense of what this book is like but don't want to read a whole arc. Violent, icky, strong themes, and definitely something that is going to bring me back for more, even as I continue to wonder what it is that intrigues me about this book. Recommended.
DC Presents: Mystery in Space #1: Two violent adult books... time for something a little less intense. As with the Batman book, this one has two stories based on the cover, which is redone by Alex Ross. The first story is pretty good, featuring a couple of guest stars, but I want to know what happened to the boy and his donkey. Er, zebra. The second story attempted to be a tribute, and suffered from it. I didn't like it much. Mildly recommended.
Still to review: Batman Order of Beasts, Aquaman, Green Arrow, H-E-R-O, Identity Crisis, JLA, and JSA. Ursula will get to my shop next week. I hope.