Gordon finds himself addicted to Firefox, partly in thanks to my reviews of it. I noted that my mom is still using the security issue laden IE when I visited her last night, and I recommended switching to Firefox. Mom, the link is here, and it's worth changing over. Firefox is faster, more compliant with HTML standards, and more secure. There are still some very poorly designed websites that require IE, but use Firefox for your main browsing. It's much, MUCH better.
And don't forget to check out the extensions, ways to customize your browser to fit your needs. I love tabbed browsing, and there's no way I could survive now without "Close Tab On Double Click".
Fanboy Rampage has an interesting little question about how many people the internet represents. It's odd, Bullock says that there's a myth that one internet fan represents the opinion of ten people, which isn't how I learned it. I was taught that for every one person who bothered to comment/post, there were ten people who didn't. The difference is that the folks who are vocal aren't assumed to represent those who aren't vocal. It's also assumed that all the ten who don't speak up are also on-line and reading the thing being commented on, not off-line. So Bullock must run in different circles than I do to come up with that strange interpretation of the old chestnut.
As an aside, this old concept is one reason getting a comment is so gratifying for a lot of bloggers. The idea being that if one person is commenting, there's another ten folks reading that simply don't have anything to say. It's like a security blanket for fragile egos.
Postmodern Barney likes PS238 too.
The auction for CrossGen has been delayed due to Hurricane action.
Still looking at Challenged Books for Banned Books Week. Next ones I've read on the list are the Harry Potter books and Bridge to Terabithia, which is really depressing. A lot of books that people want to ban are depressing. I just don't like reading them because I'm already depressed enough.
Let's finish off this entry with a picture from Nancy's garden:
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