Shane Bailey is linkblogging again. Of course, the most interesting of his links this time, to me, is the John Arcudi Newsarama Article that I somehow managed to miss. I'm a little disturbed to learn that the whole San Diego thing is part of a major DC crossover... which means it won't be resolved in the next issue as I'd hoped.
Panoramically Challenged reports on what comics he'll be getting on Wednesday, and mentions Bloodhound as a particular favorite. My list for this week: Bloodhound #4, Fallen Angel #16, Green Arrow #43, JSA #66, Astro City: A Visitor's Guide, Captain America #32, and Powers #5... assuming everything arrives. Aquaman has been delayed two weeks.
Peter David reports that Fallen Angel is doing better thanks to promotional efforts. Now if only DC would collect the latest Aquaman arc and promote Aquaman the same way... (*whine*)
Surgery under the sea. This one doesn't involve Aquaman.
Polite Dissent links to a comic I'd never heard of, but it still sounds cool. I may have to check it out some time.
Want a leather jacket, but refuse to let an animal die for it? An answer is on the way. Amazing how, despite everything, my knee-jerk reaction to this was still "ug".
The Settlers of Catan is going on-line. If you don't know about this game, it's a fun one that my store sells a lot of. Popular on college campuses. Lots of expansion packs, too. I wonder how the on-line version will work?
Scientists have created a formula to define Murphy's Law, and how to avoid it. I'm impressed: ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) where U = urgency, C = complexity, I = importance, S = skill, F = frequency and A = aggravation.
Stuart Hughes is going to spring around a bit thanks to his new prosthesis - the Cheetah. It's almost enough to make you want to lose a leg.
And on a very somber note: THE ULTIMATE SILENCE - October 12, 1998. Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual. What will you do to end the silence? Via Brill Building and Postmodern Barney.
Here's a little picture to end the post:

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